Big Girls Don't Cry (Remix)

Earth,Sun and Moon form

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting 2

I was born on the sixth of June, 1996 in Mount Elizabeth Hospital. Soon, in December 1996, I learnt to talk and walk. During that time, my mother and my maternal grandmother looked after me. In 1997, in June, I went to Tokyo, it was my first time seeing real snow so it was a memorable experiance. During the stay there, I also went to Disneyland.

In 2000, I went to my first nursery school, my classmates there were very nice and the teacher was very friendly. In K2, 2001 I went to St. James Kindergarten, I spent my next year there too. When I was studying there, I recieved two good conduct awards, one for nursery and one for K1

In 2003, I went to primary school (HPPS), in that time, teachers were very mean and I had to pull my ears for about 30 minutes before I could sit down again ( I was very naughty). I also cried as I could not get used to primary school life. In 2004, I got a nicer teacher, but this year is most memorable as I peed in my pants! In 2005 ( P3) I got a nice teacher again but I did not like her as she scolded me for making S cry. In 2006 ( P4) it was my favourite year as I had nice teachers, good friends and did well in my exams. In 2006, I was involved in a ball matter in school and got scolded. In 2007, I went up to stage for the first time, I also got a role model badge.


??? said...
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Yi Ming said...

Hu's S??