Big Girls Don't Cry (Remix)

Earth,Sun and Moon form

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

Bumblebee Bat

Bumblebee Bat ( Kitti's hog-nosed bat ) is the world's smallest bat and possibly the world's smallest mammal. It is about 30-40 milimeteres long and weighs approximately 2 grams, there are two types, one which has reddish-brown upperparts while the other has greyish upperparts. It was founded by Kitti and has a pig-like snout which gives it the rather unusual name.

Sucker-footed bat

Sucker-footed bat, this bat has suckers on its legs which it uses to climb the large broad leaves of the plant where it roosts. This special bat is found on the island of Madagascar by accident.


Sloths live upside down for most of their lives, they also have a low rate of metabolism which help them fight off illnesses. Although they are herbivours, some species have a mean streak and are quick to bite with their teeth. These unusual creatures live in the forests of America.


Narwhals have a long tusk sprouting from the top of their head, these may be sensory organs, used for showmanship or dectecting pressure. These whales are one of the two species of white whales and are rarely seen.


Hagfish are able to secrete enough slime to turn a large bucketful of water into a large bucketful of gel in just a few minutes. Hagfish have eel-like bodies and paddle-like tails, they do not have eyes, fins or jaws. It has six barbels around its mouth and a single nostril. Colour depends on the type of species.


The Blobfish has a blob like appearance and is very ugly. This fish has a flesh that is made of a density slightly less than water, allowing it to float above the seabed. Another interesting thing about this creature is that it does not have muscles as it does not need them.

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